Lasagna is commonly baked in a 9×13 pan. This size of pan works best for making a large enough lasagna to serve a whole family.
As well as any extra guests or a family get together. 9 x 13 is almost like a universal pan size for lasagnas.
If you are planning to make lasagna for a group of people slightly larger than your family size. Should you go ahead and make two pans or is one going to be enough?
One 9×13 pan of lasagna can have 6 to 12 servings. 6 large slices, 8 medium sized or 12 smaller slices. Anymore than 12 and the portions become too small.
In order to help you decide how much lasagna to make. When using one or two 9×13 pans.
I would gather from different lasagna recipes online how much servings each one makes.
Since most recipes use a 9×13 pan for their lasagna. You will be able to better estimate how much lasagna you need to make.
I researched some of the top lasagna recipes online. Looking for how much servings are in each recipe.
This is a simple guide to help you determine how much lasagna you need to make.
How Many People Will A 9×13 Pan of Lasagna Feed?
Just how many adults will you be able to serve using a 9×13 pan? This does depend how thick the lasagna is going to be.
Most 9×13 pans are 2 inches deep, meaning the lasagna will have two to three layers. Which is very common for most recipes.
Although there’s no exact number for how much each lasagna will serve. Expect a 9×13 pan of lasagna to feed 6 to 8 adults.
With a fairly good portion for each slice 8 people should be satisfied. 6 slices is bordering on too much for each serving. As these are fairly large slices.
When you need to serve more than eight people. I would say it’s better to make two 9×13 pans of lasagna.
Two 9×13 lasagna pans should serve about 16 people. Ensuring that each slice is a adult-sized portion.
Most design recipes online vary between 6 to 8, and 8 to 12 servings. Since the servings are ultimately determined by how the lasagna is sliced.
How To Make Sure You Have Enough
The most you can get out of a 9×13 pan of lasagna is 12 servings. Any more than that and each slice is going to be ridiculously small.
leaving your guest or family wanting more and possibly laughing at the portions you are serving.
So the best way to make sure that you have enough lasagna. Is to cut out 12 slices, this way each appetite can be filled.
Use the 12 servings as an assurance for how much lasagna is available. It’s like a portion rule that works better for the more people you have to serve.
People with smaller appetites will be satisfied with the smaller slice. Then those that are still hungry can go for seconds.
This is better than cutting just eight servings. Which will satisfy large appetites, but maybe too much of a portion for light eaters.
If your family or guests are big eaters then I would say cook to lasagnas. Just to be on the safe side.
Still follow this rule and cut out 10 to 12 servings/slices.
I think this is much better than just having large slices. Which could possibly go to waste as someone doesn’t want to be rude and not eat the whole slice.
Trust me this portion rule works for pizza and it will work for lasagna.
How Many Ounces In One Serving of Lasagna
A common serving size of lasagna is about 206 grams total. Meaning there is about 7.2 oz in a serving of lasagna.
One serving size of lasagna typically contains 330 calories. 12.3 g of fat, 35.4 g of carbs and 20 g of protein.

How Much Lasagna Should You Make?
Depending on how large your group of people is going to be. It is always best to make more food than not have enough. Here is a guide to help you easily decide how much lasagna to make.
One group is simply hungry and average eaters, the next group is very hungry and big eaters. Remember the most common number of servings per 9 x 13 people is 8. So expect you can feed 8 average adult appetites with one pan.
The second group are big eaters and are going to probably eat two slices. So make two pans of lasagna for them. Just to be on the safe side.
How Many People Are You Serving?
Below will help you determine how much lasagna to make based on the number of people.
4 People
Make one 9 x 13 pan and cut into 8 to 12 servings.
6 People
Make one 9 x 13 pan and cut into 6 to 8 servings.
8 People
Make one 9 x 13 pan and cut into 8 servings.
10 People
Make two 9 x 13 pans and cut into 8 to 12 servings.
15 people
Make two 9 x 13 pans and cut into 6 to 8 servings.
20 people
Make three 9 x 13 pans and cut into 6 to 12 servings
25 people
Make three 9 x 13 pans and cut into 8 to 12 servings
30 people
Make four 9 x 13 pans and cut into 8 to 12 servings.
35 People
Make four 9 x 13 pans and cut into 10 to 12 servings
After this point you should use a larger pan, like a disposable aluminum baking pan for larger lasagnas. A larger lasagna pan like a hefty giant pan will measure 13.5″x9 5/8″ x 2.75. Making it a lot deeper and wider.
Feeding over forty people should be possible with two of these pans, as the lasagna is going to be much thicker.